Adventure Europe Iceland Nature Travel

Me, myself and I-celand

Thinking of going to Iceland? Do it I absolutely recommend it. I mean, I recommend any trip but especially this place. Traveling to Iceland was something that I’ve always wanted to do and I finally decided to do it this year.

Now I can safely say that it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. And if you haven’t figured it out by the name already, I took the trip all alone and still had a fantastic time.

But “Wesam…” you say, “how can I have fun in Iceland all alone? What even is there to do? Will I get bored? Isn’t it expensive? What do Icelandic people eat?” Say no more. Let me answer all your questions.

What is there to do in Iceland?

If you’re considering Iceland, chances are you’re at least interested in nature or outdoor activities or maybe you’re just a huge Game of Thrones fan. Regardless of the reason, there is so much to see and do on this tiny island.

The island is full of natural wonders like Reynisfjara Beach, the blue lagoon, huge glaciers and many waterfalls with long Icelandic names that I can’t even try to pronounce. Combine these views with the stunning Aurora Borealis and you will feel like you are on another planet.

Iceland is heaven for outdoors enthusiasts and adventurers. This tiny island is packed with so many places for hiking, climbing, ice climbing, mountaineering, whale watching and diving just to name a few.

Click here for an article on the best places to see.

How can I have fun in Iceland alone?

If it’s your first time in Iceland, you’ll be better off doing it alone. It might seem weird at first but there are four main reasons for this recommendation.

  1. The people in Iceland are extremely friendly, easy to talk to and fluent in English.
  2. There are many tourists so you’ll meet people from all over the world. On my trip I met people from China, France, Germany, all over the U.S., Brazil, England and Russia just to name a few.
  3. Going alone will help you explore things at your own pace without having to worry about what others want or don’t want to do.
  4. Finally, once you get to explore the greatness of Iceland alone, you’re going to want to come back. So not bringing your friends or loved one(s) with you the first time will give you an excuse to return to this wonderful place!

If you’re still not convinced or aren’t a very social person, there are ways to facilitate the people meeting process. Booking group tours, staying in hostels or going out to events that interest you are a few very easy ways to make some Icelandic friends.

Click here for a blog post that helped me a lot with planning my Iceland trip.

Isn’t it expensive?

The short answer is – yes it is, it’s very expensive. Iceland is a small island without many natural resources which means that food, gas and many other commodities have to be imported. This makes the prices a lot higher. Not to worry though, there are always workarounds.

The most important step to not break the bank on your trip is to set a budget. You should do this for all of your trips but especially for Iceland.

First, figure out how long you’d like to go for. Normally, about a week is good for your first visit. Then, factor in all the meals, tour prices, hotel or hostel costs and other travel expenses. Finally, compare the prices you find with your budget and make your decisions based on that.

Many times it’s easier and cheaper to book group tours rather than renting a car to get around, especially if you’re traveling alone. The hostel option I mentioned earlier is also a great way to save money and hostels in Iceland are generally very safe, clean and popular with younger solo travelers who are looking to make new friends – just like you.

What is Icelandic culture like?

Icelandic people, much like the rest of the Nordic people, are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Their culture is unique in its own way yet they’re very understanding of the rest of the world. You won’t feel much of a cultural difference if you’re visiting from the US, Canada or other places in Europe, especially since most Icelandic people are fluent in English.

The only thing I would recommend is to do some research on the food. Icelandic cuisine is very unique but very delicious if you know what to get.

Some final tips

  • If you want to photograph the Aurora Borealis (northern lights), you need a very good camera with the right settings. You also need to visit between September and April as that’s the peak Aurora season.
  • Activities in Iceland vary greatly depending on the season. Find out what you really want to do or see before making your decision on when to go.
  • There are no trains in Iceland and gas is super expensive, so keep that in mind when you’re figuring out your transportation around the island.

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